What is “nervous system healing” and how can it support me?
what most people get wrong about nervous system healing 👇🏼👇🏼
nervous system healing isn’t about always feeling calm or never feeling triggered.
nervous system healing is about creating an internal environment where you feel resourced & supported to navigate any challenge or trigger that may arise.
nervous system healing has become a buzz word these days & for a good reason >> a healthy nervous system is the foundation of a healthy human & is a fundamental part to healing.
that looks like prioritizing the practices that support you in moving through your every day with more love, awareness & grace…
🕊️prioritizing sleep
🕊️investing in therapy
🕊️nourishing your body
🕊️cultivating a morning ritual
🕊️committing to daily practices like meditation, breathwork, grounding, journaling, movement, etc.
healing the nervous system isn’t just about doing breath work or yoga or meditation, it’s the impacts of practices like those over time, that supports us in expanding our capacity to navigate this human experience <3
when we heal the nervous system we increase our capacity to…
✨ listen clearly
✨ respond intentionally
✨ communicate with love
✨ open our hearts to connection
✨ cultivate safety & calm within
✨ break free from old patterns & create new ways of being
✨ express our emotions
✨ be with our sensations
✨ lead with self-compassion
these are just a few benefits of nervous system healing 🧡
one of the most powerful tools that has supported me on my journey of nervous system healing is trauma-informed yoga, a form of yoga that incorporates many different somatic healing practices like breath work, grounding, mantras, embodied movement, sensory experiencing, vocal toning, etc. all designed to support individuals in healing & releasing stored trauma, ultimately leading to a more regulated nervous system.
if you desire to release stored trauma & to heal your nervous system so you feel more grounded, resourced & supported to navigate any challenge or trigger, then trauma-informed yoga may be for you ✨
for a free trauma-informed yoga practice, visit my website embodiedhealing.yoga and scroll to the bottom to subscribe to my newsletter & get instant access to a practice!
may you feel resourced & supported on your journey of healing,
xo tay