Honoring your voice & your story

honoring your voice & your story is not dependent on whether another person hears or understands you.

to honor your voice, your story, your body — requires you to hear & honor yourself, always.

dear one,

no one else knows all that heartache, pain & fears you have faced & moved through to become who you are.

no one knows the intricate details of your story & depths you have journeyed to arrive here in this form.

no one else has walked the same path, has been given the same vision or has cultivated the unique set of gifts you have.

no one else will truly see 👁️ & k n o w you in the ways that you do.

no one else can know & meet your needs in the ways that you can.

no one else knows what it is that you need to feel safe & supported.

>> you & only you, hold the source of love, witness & presence that you so deeply desire.

when we learn to source our own love from within 🕊️ we no longer feel the need to seek validation, approval or acceptance without.

when we learn to tend to our own needs & honor our body & being with love & reverence, we teach others how to do the same.

🔑 we must learn to reclaim radical responsibility for our healing & our liberation.

y o u are the hero of your own story 👁️
no one else is coming to save you.
and what a relief that is.
you don’t have to wait for some force outside of you, because it’s already w i t h i n you.

t h i s is the work…

deepening in relationship to self & in practices of self-awareness, self-love & self-compassion. creating a space where all of you feels safe to be seen & held, restoring relationship with the parts of yourself that have been lost, forgotten or exiled. learning to love & honor yourself, so you can stand in your light & your power.

this is the essence of embodied healing <3 if you are ready to take this journey inward and to reclaim sovereignty over your healing, reach out to book a free discovery call to learn more about my private trauma-informed yoga offerings.

with love always,

xo tay


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